Calling all volunteers, Detroiters, Metro-Detroiters, Michiganders, individuals, couples, families, kayakers, park enthusiasts, environmentalists, nature lovers and lovers of Belle Isle ...
Please join us on the second Friday of each month as we 'Keep Belle Isle Beautiful' and prevent plastic pollution and other littered items from polluting our park and its waterways.
The cleanup will take place outdoors.
The cleanup will take place primarily on land. Individuals with who can bring their own kayaks (paddle boards etc) are encouraged to do so. Please email nowakg@belleisleconservancy.org if you have kayak or other water vessel that you can bring to the cleanup.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought change and disruption for many, including cultural producers and creators. We have seen opportunities dwindle worldwide as gigs are lost, play and exhibitions close, and myriad other events move online or are canceled. To spark innovation and creativity during these challenging times, Science Gallery Detroit is pleased to launch a new, virtual residency program for creatives residing in Detroit. This initiative seeks to foster conceptual ideas that address and appeal to young adults and that serve as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
HOW TO APPLY Makers, creators, writers, artists, musicians, photographers, videographers, and designers residing in Detroit are invited to provide a brief overview of the concept or idea you wish to explore, explaining why this residency would be valuable to you, and what impact you hope it could have. Age criteria: 15+
Proposals must be 200 words or less. Please include your CV along with your proposal and email all the materials to: mark.sullivan@detroit.sciencegallery.com. Please use "SGD Rapid Residency Application" for the subject line. Applications must be received by midnight on July 22, 2020. We hope to follow this round of grants with others in the near future.
We have more good news! We're excited to announce funding from Simons Foundation. For the second consecutive year, Michigan State University’s Science Gallery Detroit has been awarded a grant in excess of $200,000 from Science Sandbox, an initiative of the Simons Foundation. The grant will benefit Science Gallery Detroit's Future Present: Design in a Time of Urgency exhibition, which will launch this fall in Detroit. Full details here.
Weekly Activities for Youth
To support families and caregivers with youth at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, MSU Extension has put together a weekly list of DIY activities and online events.
Healthy Living: My 4-H Omelet Age Level: High school
Career Exploration: Register for Adulting 101 - Basics of Credit to be held on July 1 Age Level: 14-21 years old
Career Exploration: Practice Writing a Check Age Level: Middle school, high school and beyond
Healthy Living: Healthy Habits Age Level: Teens and adults
100% Cocoa, part 2 June 25, 2020 4:00 – 4:45PM https://www.canr.msu.edu/events/june-25-100-cocoa-part-2 Intended as a place for 8 to 12-year-old 4-H members, and non 4-H members, to come together and learn about a wide array of 4-H project areas. 2020 Master Citizen Planner Live Webinar Series June 25, 2020 6:30PM – 7:30PM https://www.canr.msu.edu/events/2020-master-citizen-planner-live-webinar-series-june-25 This webinar series is designed to offer continuing education for Master Citizen Planners in a convenient online opportunity and is open to all planning and zoning officials.