- Join Planning and Development Department (PDD) for the next Design and Development Office Hours June 25th
- Important Updates for this Week From the City Council
- Board of Police Commissioners
Join Planning and Development Department (PDD) for the next Design and Development Office Hours June 25th
Register for Virtual Office Hours June 25th and Subscribe to PDD's Design and Development e-newsletter! |
Reminder: The next Design and Development Innovation Team Office Hours will take place on Thursday June 25th, 11am - 12:30pm

The team will give a little more background on what each of us does and how our operations and processes have shifted due to COVID-19. Plus there will be time for questions and discussion.
Click to RSVP and receive meeting details!
The Design and Development Innovation Team newsletter is one of the ways we can keep in touch as Planning and Development Department (PDD) and the City of Detroit shifts its operations and programs in response to the pandemic. While we may not be able to meet with you in person for the time being, we will continue to deliver the high quality engagement, planning, and development services that you’ve come to expect for the benefit of Detroit’s continued growth and progress.
In this edition, you can find updates on new resources to support affordable housing in the City of Detroit, general COVID-19 information, and a reminder to let everyone in your community know about the 2020 Census.
Plus a couple of useful resources:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. what you think and what information and communication will be helpful to you as we all navigate these changing times together.
Keep in touch!
Updates concerning changes to City of Detroit Operations
Meet the Design and Development Innovation Team and Our Areas of Responsibility
The Design and Development Innovation Team facilitates many of the development related functions of the Planning and Development Department. This team manages the Community Benefits Ordinance, provides design review for new development projects, conducts permits reviews, and advises residents, stakeholders, and other City departments on general zoning matters. Learn more at the our website.
Providing a zoning resource and departmental permit reviews
Performing concept plan and design review as part of the preliminary plan review process
Ensuring engagement and communication around all CBO Projects
News from other City of Detroit Departments:
Housing and Development Funding Resources in Response to COVID-19

CDBG/NOF Best Practices Webinar
Wednesday, July 1st - 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Register Here
The Neighborhood Services team of the Housing and Revitalization Department will conduct a live Zoom Best Practices Webinar for the CDBG/Neighborhood Opportunity Fund Public Service Application. We invite organizations and entities desiring to apply for future CDBG/NOFPublic Service funding to participate. This webinar will serve as a review for the 2020-2021 CDBG/NOF Public Service Application, and is intended for organizations that applied during the previous application cycle as well as organizations considering applying in future CDBG/NOF Public Service Application cycles.
The City of Detroit, through its Housing and Revitalization Department, invites all community organizations, human service organizations, non-profit organizations, i.e. IRS 501 (c)(3), etc., who wish to participate in the development and implementation of CDBG /NOF Public Service projects as advisors and/or operating agencies to submit proposals.
Funding Opportunity for Homeless Service Providers
Proposal Deadline: July 8th, 2020 at 4:00pm
The City of Detroit invites homeless service provider organizations to submit proposals for projects to be funded by the 2020-2021 Homelessness Solutions (CDBG/ESG) and ESG-CV program as funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
All non-profit organizations that wish to provide homelessness prevention, street outreach, emergency shelter, or rapid rehousing services may submit proposals.
In the 2020-2021 program year, all proposals must be prepared and submitted online using the City’s “Oracle” system. Proposal applicants must register on the Oracle Supplier Portal before a proposal can be submitted. Proposals must be submitted via Oracle by 4:00 pm on Wednesday, July 8, 2020. Paper copies of proposals will not be accepted. To obtain information regarding the Supplier Portal, go to: https://detroitmi.gov/supplier.
Proposals submitted by the Wednesday, July 8, 2020, deadline will be evaluated by City agencies. Late proposals will not be accepted. Funding awards will be determined by the Mayor and City Council.
The 2020-2021 Homelessness Solutions proposal packages with the required proposal forms are available via Oracle and attached to this email. The Housing and Revitalization Department (HRD) will conduct one live Zoom session to present details and answer questions regarding the Homelessness Solutions RFP. Interested parties are strongly encouraged to attend this training session. A second live Zoom Q&A will also be available to potential applicants. The workshops are scheduled as shown below:
Virtual Proposal Workshop Friday, June 19th 9:30 am to 12:00 pm Register Here |
Virtual Q&A Session Tuesday, June 23 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Register Here |
General COVID-19 Information and Resources
There are a great number of resources to help residents and businesses cope with the impact of COVID-19 on our City. We encourage you to stay in touch with the City of Detroit and by visiting www.detroitmi.gov/coronavirus and utilizing the following resources:
You can now print this tri-fold brochure and share with your neighbors who may not be receiving important COVID-19 resources electronically.
City of Detroit Coronavirus Main Website: https://detroitmi.gov/coronavirus. Website translated into the following languages: Spanish /Espanol ; Arabic / العربية ; and Bengali / বাংলা, including:
- City COVID-19 Resources Website: Including information on free food distribution sites, restoring your water, transportation services, help with housing, resources for businesses, artists, and workers, and more!
- Community Education Commission COVID-19 Resources Guide Updated Daily: http://COVID313.org
- Resources for Detroit families including information on food access, housing, water, utilities, education, childcare, senior services, volunteering, phone hotlines and more
United Way for SE Michigan - https://unitedwaysem.org/covid-19-help/
- 211 Resource Hotline (available 24/7) Talk to a community care advocate by dialing 2-1-1 to find referrals for food, shelter, medical assistance and more. Translation services available!
- United Way COVID-19 Resource Page Information on a wide range of resources, how to request funds, and how to donate or support efforts
- Weekly Coronavirus Update Calls with Detroit Health Department and Department of Neighborhoods:
- Schedule of calls: The Citywide call now takes place on Mondays at 5pm next on June 22nd.
- The next bilingual updates will take place on Tuesday June 23rd on the following schedule.
- 2pm - Arabic / العربية
- 4pm - Bengali / বাংলা
- 6pm - Spanish /Espanol

Subscribe to City of Detroit newsletters to keep up with the latest COVID-19 and City News on the following topics (and many more):
- Mayor Duggan’s COVID-19 Update (Mayor’s Office)
- Business Resources from Civil Rights, Inclusion and Opportunity Department (CRIO)
- Department of Neighborhoods Weekly Newsletter and District Specific News
- Updates from City Council Members and City Clerk notices of public meetings
- Updates from BSEED, City Planning Commission, and Zoning
Detroit Needs YOU!
In 2010, Detroit missed out on millions of dollars in federal funding because many didn’t fill out the Census. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen again!
If you don’t complete it, our city will lose money that could go to: Hospitals | Child Care | Meals for Children and Families | Police & Fire
TAkE 10 MINUTES to complete the Census and protect essential funding for your family and your community for the NEXT 10 YEARS
- EASY - Only 9 Questions
- CONFIDENTIAL - By Federal Law, Census information is not shared with ANYONE for 72 years
- COUNT WHERE YOU STAY – The address on your license does not matter. The Census counts where you eat and sleep