The Moroun family, owners of the Ambassador Bridge, have lost another challenge against construction of a rival bridge — the Gordie Howe International Bridge. 

On Dec. 21, the Michigan Supreme Court denied the Moroun family's application to appeal a May 8 judgment of the Court of Appeals.

The May judgment dismissed Morouns' lawsuit looking to stop the Michigan Department of Transportation's efforts to buy land owned by the Morouns and other companies. The land is in the pathway of the new bridge on the Michigan side, and the suit could have led to another delay in the new crossing to Canada.

The Supreme Court's decision to not allow the Moroun's to appeal means only one lawsuit remains to challenge the Gordie Howe bridge construction.

"Michigan and its partners assumed that none of the litigation intended to stop the project would prevail. That’s why the procurement process has been completed and ground has been broken on the project," said Andy Doctoroff, a lawyer and consultant for Michigan on the Gordie Howe International Bridge project. "However, the decision by the Michigan Supreme Court eliminates yet another project risk consistent with all stake holder expectations."

More: Judge tosses latest Moroun attempts to block Gordie Howe bridge

More: Gordie Howe Bridge groundbreaking message: No stopping this bridge now

For the past five years, Doctoroff has been the bridge project's point person under Gov. Rick Snyder. The underlying project agreement for the bridge is valued at more than $4 billion in U.S. dollars, he said.