Help me stop these lies!


I need your help. My opponent is getting nasty. 

He recently sent out an attack mailer, meant to smear my work ethic and track record. Residents have reported that he is using race to win votes - telling people not to vote for me because I'm not black. 

I won't be deterred. I will continue to fight for every resident in the District and Detroit to make sure everyone has a seat at the table- regardless of where they live or their skin color. 

I'm still door knocking to finish walking every street in the district. My opponent has nothing to say except to lie about the facts surrounding this election. I, on the other hand, have made over 9,000 door visits with my constituents. 

Help me reach more people by donating $36 online today for our "$36 for Raquel's 36th Birthday" fundraising campaign. 

I can't do it alone. Now more than ever, I need your help to finish this campaign strong. We can't take anything for granted! 

Be a part of the change you wish to see in Detroit. 

I can't make this happen without your support and I am truly grateful!

Warm Regards, 

Raquel Castañeda-López

Labor Donated
Paid for by Friends of Raquel Castañeda-López