DHNC Meets Thursday, May 18
6:00 - 8:00 pm

 Continuing discussions on archiving your neighborhood's history!


THE BEST OF THE BEST! Want to recognize and commemorate your area's contribution to the City of Detroit? Establish an archives representing your community at the University of Detroit Mercy Library. With the assistance, experience and knowledge of associate deans, archivists and librarians, the expert staff will oversee, direct, display and showcase your historical past and progression by 
1. chronological logging of events 
2. displaying past and present architectural designs 
3. present restorations and innovations 
4. showcasing archival collections and historical memorabilia.

If you and your community have stored up boxes ranging from minutes from old board meetings to photos of residents and homes long ago, let the staff at University of Detroit Mercy catalog and retain such precious and valuable artifacts. Don't miss the next meeting of the DHNC! You do not have to be a historic neighborhood to be a part of this innovative approach to honoring your community's contribution. 

WHERE:  The Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament,  9844 Woodward, Detroit
WHEN:  Thursday, May18, at 6:00 pm

Future Events

Dates TBD --
District Managers
Historic Preservation
City Council Members
Mayor's office Representatives

Any ideas? What would YOU like to hear about? Send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Invite Your Neighbors!

This is a great opportunity to hear how your neighborhood history can be documented -- don't miss out!


The Detroit Historic Neighborhoods Coalition (DHNC) was established in 1999 for residents to have a united voice in their community's development and revitalization.