We will commence as a volunteer neighborhood patrol, with the blessings of the Detroit Police Department, even though we decided not to follow-through as a sanctioned DPD CB Patrol. However, we are working to obtain an 'escort' car from the Wayne County Sheriff's department. They apparently provide this service to other neighborhoods. We are also securing the necessary equipment -- magnetic signs, lights, spot lights and bull horns, incident reports and a 24 hour base station.
In the meantime, I have attached a proposed schedule for April (even though we may not be prepared to start by April 1st). This is more of a template for the day/time you are available and interested to patrol. I limited the schedule to those days and times with multiple crimes, based on the latest crime stats. Please plug in your name for whatever shift(s) you are available throughout the month. PLEASE PROVIDE BY MARCH 28TH. Previously, we requested two shifts per month. Feel free to do more, but please do not overextend yourself. If one is what you can do, that is more than fine. There should always be two people per car. If you do not have someone to patrol with, feel free to assign yourself where you see only one name indicated, or put your name in and someone should assign themselves to ride with you. Other than Tuesday evening and Wednesdays, I am available and flexible.
If you, or someone you know is interested in patrolling and have not participated in any training, let me know. Investigator Fountain conducts training regularly, throughout the city, and we can schedule individuals in one of those sessions.
Once I have heard from all interested individuals, and we have secured the equipment and base, I will provide the completed updated schedule.
I will also provide a roster of all patrollers, so you will know your fellow volunteers, and who to contact if you need back up or someone to ride with.
We continue to need many responsible commitment volunteers to assist in this endeavor.
Thank you so much for your support.