Agenda items for CDC Mon. Nov. 19, 2012 mtg 6:30


Proposed Agenda for Corktown CDC Meeting of November 19, 2012

-Roll call, Introduction of Guests

-Proposed Agenda any additions or amendments? Vote to accept

-Minutes Read Sept. 17, 2012 meeting minutes; Any corrections or amendments? Raise vote to accept.

-Old & Unfinished Business

- Updates or results of the CDC Correspondence sent as support for local businesses.

- Revisit Public notice (via-Web news Corktown Connection, Google Groups, listserv - add FB?)

- Revisit CDC mtg requirements & set next meeting schedule/location (2012 plus early in 2013).

- Other ____________________________________________________________________________________

-Reports & Community issues:

- Wed. Nov. 21, 2012- Southwest District 7 Community Meeting: 7PM at 4735 W. Fort St, Detroit 48209 (Greater Apostolic Faith Temple)

- Planned events & report on October 2012 Pumpkinfest.

- PD&D Rezoning notice of hearings: 11/13 Maroun’s Bridge permit ap. hearing at Western H.S., other:

- Recent property, sales, commercial improvements/updates & issues (new sidewalks, Urban Putt-Putt)


-Service issues & impact of changes: lighting, trash/bulk pick-ups/police & fire service

Note Tues. Nov. 20 Police/Community Relations Council meets 6:30 at DPD Central District, 7310 Woodward.

-Recent Crime issues (see & DetNews Major Crimes Interactive Map for Metro Det. .Corktown Citizen Patrol vandalism report.

-New Business:

-Plans &/or issues for next CDC mtg, and how to update each other if unexpected City plans develop:


-Communications (& other correspondence) –


-Announcements: Saturday, Dec. 1st is Shop Detroit Day (the Corktown Connection has the flyer to share!)


-Meeting Adjournment: (with next mtg date & location set for reminder)