Earlier this week I joined Wayne Law Chapter and the Detroit & Michigan Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild for a panel, #SurveillanceAintSafety, where we discussed community safety in the era of surveillance.
To me, community safety means reliable city services and quality infrastructure, access to opportunity, and that our needs are met. It means we are proactive and focused on preventative measures, not reactive ones. It means we invest in our neighborhoods and in our residents. And it means caring for one another. It's this lens through which I do my work.
Thank you to my co-panelists, ACLU of Michigan, Detroit Justice Center, and Detroit Will Breathe, for your insight and your work; and to Wayne State Law student, Sarah Khan, for organizing this important event.
Eid Mubarak to all our neighbors, residents, friends, and families celebrating the close of Ramadan! #TeamGSR wishes you a wonderful Eid al-Fitr and a peaceful and prosperous year.
This is our Community Office Hours schedule for April -- and we will be joined by DWSD, DLBA, and Project Clean Slate!
This is our Community Office Hours schedule for May -- and we will be joined by Detroit At Work and the Office of Contracting and Procurement!
Highlights from City Council
City Council has approved a project from the City Planning Commission that will renovate the historic Henry Glover House into six new condominium units in the Crosswinds – Woodward Place neighborhood in District 6. The project includes the construction of 3 new units, and the rehabilitation of three existing units.
City Council approved a request from the City Planning Commission to rezone 8 parcels, located on Cadieux Road and Waveney Road, to allow for the expansion of the Cadieux Café restaurant. The owners wish to expand their current operation to include additional seating and recreation space.
El Concejo Municipal aprobó una solicitud de la Comisión de Planificación de la Ciudad para rezonificar 8 parcelas, ubicadas en Cadieux Road y Waveney Road, para permitir la expansión del restaurante Cadieux Café. Los propietarios desean ampliar su operación actual para incluir asientos adicionales y espacio de recreación.
City Council approved a certificate to allow for the continued development of the former United Artists Building located in District 6. The building will now be used for housing, commercial, retail, and restaurant purposes.
El Concejo Municipal aprobó un certificado para permitir el desarrollo continuo del antiguo Edificio de Artistas Unidos ubicado en el Distrito 6. El edificio ahora se utilizará para fines de vivienda, comerciales, minoristas y restaurantes.
Council Member Santiago-Romero led City Council to pass three resolutions recognizing:
April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month
April 11-17, 2023, as Black Maternal Health Week
April 28 as Workers’ Memorial Day
Council Member Santiago-Romero voted against two contracts to give nearly $8 million dollars in ARPA fund to the Detroit Police Department for improvements to their training academy and gun range. The contracts were approved by City Council.
Budget Season Wins
The Council Member was able to secure the following funding:
BSEED: Public Health Fund: $400,000 to perform public health impact assessments and address other environmental pollution concerns
DHD: Detroit ID: $309,268 to restart program
Though the Council member successfully secured support for the items listed above, she unfortunately didn't get everything she asked for. The programs, services, and initiatives below were included in Council's Closing Resolution to ensure we continue to look for ways to fund them.
- Pilot Program – 1 month free ridership to be evaluated according to metrics related to ridership, environmental impact, quality of life, and equity
- Urging the Administration to increase the starting wage for DDOT bus operators to $29 per hour and for existing drivers to receive a raise commensurate with their length of service to the Department
- Health Department
- Provide an annual study reflecting the impact of factories and truck traffic on air quality in neighborhoods surrounding the bridge to include solutions on ways to mitigate the issues that form the findings of the report
- Review and implement some of the findings from the Opioid Remediation Funding Priorities report and to work with community organizations
- CRIO: More funding for language access so that all standing committees and charter mandated meetings have interpreters in any requested language and American Sign Language (ASL)
- Media Services: Work with CRIO to develop programming and social media content in various languages
- PLA: Continued viaduct lighting in District 6
- Commit to reopening the DWSD downtown branch for a minimum of three days per week to provide in-person customer service and that the department prioritize customer service to improve communication with the public
- Work with the City’s Alert systems in providing quick responses and feedback within the public in the case of water main breaks and emergencies
- 36th District Court: Work with state lobbyist to request the funding needed for the court to update its technology to process requests such as municipal civil infractions
- Library: Administration work with the Library and its partners to produce a report outlining a strategic fundraising plan for the Library
The Council Member also supported her colleagues on the following items in the Closing Resolution:
Office of Disability Affairs - $100K to Add 1 FTE to serve as liaison between the disabled community and the City
Media Services - $50K to allow the department to develop a media campaign to address the needs of and support the disabled community
DWSD - Increase ARPA funding for DWSD Basement Backup Sewer Program to expand the program
Click here to read the latest version of the monthly Midwest-Tireman newsletter!
DDOT Wants to Hear from You!
Learn and share your thoughts about the Detroit Department of Transportation’s updated Title VI program Plan and Proposed Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Overall Goal for 2023-2025.
- When: Tuesday, May 9, 2023
- Time: Noon
- Zoom Call-in Number: 1 (267) 831-0033
- Meeting ID: 893-8178-7194
Submit comments about the proposed policies by Thursday, May 30, 2023 to one of the following:
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Detroit Department of Transportation
ATTN: Compliance Manager 100 Mack Ave., Detroit, MI 48201
- (313) 933-1300 or 7-1-1 (TTY)
- www.detroitmi.gov/ddot
Detroit Grand Prix
June 2-4, 2023
Course build-out is scheduled to begin May 1 with most of the work being conducted between the hours of 8pm-5am, with nightly temporary rerouting. To stay up to date, opt in for traffic updates here. For event information DetroitGP.com
Nominations now open: MCR's The Power of One Dedicated Woman 2023!
The Power of One Dedicated Woman Awards honor unsung women changing Detroit neighborhoods.
The Power of One Dedicated Woman honors deserving women who inspire others to be part of community work and build stronger neighborhoods. The annual opportunity recognizes women who set an example of what one woman can do to make a difference in the lives of others.
Nominate a woman today! Completed nomination forms must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, May 8, 2023, for consideration.
Learn more and submit a nomination here. Nominations are due by Monday, May 8th at 11:59 p.m.
D6 Rec Center Programming!
Click here to become a Parks in the D Licensed Vendor!
Job Opportunities
Check out the MI ECHO Scholarship, a tuition-free pathway to associate's degrees or certificates at any public community college in the state for those who cannot access federal financial aid -- including DACA recipients, immigrants with Temporary Protected Status, Asylum Pending, Special Immigrant Juveniles. Learn more at https://michiganecho.org/en/
La beca MI ECHO es un camino gratuito para obtener un título de asociado o un certificado en cualquier colegio comunitario público del estado para aquellos que no pueden recibir ayuda financiera federal -- para los beneficiarios de DACA, inmigrantes con estatus de protección temporal, asilo pendiente, jóvenes inmigrantes especiales. Obtenga más información en michiganecho.org/es
The Bridge Builders Microgrants program offers small one-time grants for collaborative, creative projects in Michigan Municipal League member communities. Projects are intentionally collaborative, bringing together neighbors, artists, business owners, elected officials, and more. This year, we’ll offer 10 Neighborhood Microgrants and 4 Main Street Microgrants! Interested parties will need to complete an application online explaining your project idea, how it will help your community, and who will be involved. You’ll also need to detail how you’d spend the grant. Applicatons close on April 23rd. You can find more info and apply at this website. Questions? Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Engaged Leaders Initiating Tomorrow's Education (ELITE) provides the means and funding for local youth to advocate for and organize within their community. In collaboration with 482Forward and other Detroit programs, ELITE's primary focus is education justice. Participating members will meet weekly to identify problems affecting education, organize solutions, and implement change through civic action.
City of Detroit COVID-19 Testing & Vaccinations
COVID-19 Vaccinations and Testing from the Northwest Activities Center to the Detroit Health Department (100 Mack Avenue, 48201). Click here to access the self-scheduling page, and complete the form or Text “TEST” to (313) 329-7272.
Vaccination Hours: Monday-Friday, 10a-6p Testing Hours: Monday-Friday, 7a-4p
Additionally, the Samaritan Center (5555 Conner St., 48213) will remain open Monday through Friday from 9a-4p and will provide COVID-19 vaccinations only.
A brief visual guide to City of Detroit Departments
Click here to view departments, contact info, and key responsibilities!
A brief guide to City Council Meetings
We created a simple series of graphics to help increase awareness, civic engagement, and participation with City Council. Please click here to view the full set of slides full screen -- and share with your neighbors! They are available in English, Spanish, and Arabic! (Few details are also below.)
How to watch and participate in City Council meetings
Attend online at detroitmi.gov/Online-CC-Meeting or by phone by calling one of these numbers 929-436-2866, 312-626-6799, 669-906-6833, 253-215-8782, 301-715-8592, or 346-248-7799, and entering meeting ID 85846903626##
Agendas and related documents can be found and viewed here. (Click here to view video on how to locate Agendas and Minutes.)
To make public comment, please 'raise your hand' using the following instructions:
- Telephone participants: Raise your hand by pressing #9
- Web participants: Raise your hand by clicking raise hand in the application or pressing
- Windows computer = [ALT] + [Y]
- Apple Computers = [OPTION] + [Y]
If interpretation or translation services are needed call The Department of Civil Rights, Inclusion & Opportunity at 313-224-4950.
This guide contains information on what you need to know as a Detroit resident. The information focuses on a number of subjects, which are top areas of concern for residents.
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