
Hi everyone--
Remember those nasty piles of petcoke blowing across the Detroit River?  City Council has been debating whether or not to regulate them, and guess what?! No surprise that special interests are paying their lobbyists to GUT the ordinance, and these multi-million dollar interests don't want to monitor or control them.
I am looking for folks to help pass the Bulk Storage Ordinance with STRONG ON SITE MONITORING the toxic dust that blows all over the place, and PROPER STORAGE. 
These piles are ALL over SW Detroit, and when they blow, petcoke and metcoke are known to have arsenic and lead in them, and in near proximity to elderly care and parks and schools. These are our babies and our families.
1) Come to the Health and Safety Committee with me on Monday at 9am at the Coleman A Young Municipal Building, 13th Fl. 
2) Email the members of the Health and Safety Committee [Ayers,Benson, Raquel, and esp THE MAYOR!]
Scott Benson: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Raquel Casteneda-Lopez: councilmemberraquel@detroitmi.gov
Janee Ayers: councilmemberayers@detroitmi.gov

3) CALL THE MAYOR'S Office: 
(313) 224-3400
Tell them:
  • we are not going to trade in our health for corporate interests
  • we have a RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT IS BLOWING AROUND, and companies should be MONITORING their sites, NOT relying on TAX dollars to do their work for them
  • Companies need to do their DUE DILIGENCE and properly store their piles
If you want more information I put together this fact sheet on TOXIC DUST for Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition, and Nick Leonard also has some more technical talking points
Call me to go downtown.
michelle martinez

Third Horizon Consulting
Lightning flashes are the shivers of one who desires or dreams of a totality that is impossible or yet to come; duration urges on those who attempt to live this totality, when dawn shows through the linked histories of people-- Glissant

It is necessary to counter a logic of economics, which has inherited the instrumental reasoning that permeates modem culture with an ethics of
well-being. The fetishism of numbers must be replaced by the development
of people. The state's vertical management and the exploitation of
some groups by others must give way to a social will encouraging
participation, autonomy and the equitable distribution of resources.
M. Max Neef